Ariq M Irsyad
266 Hatchery
Ariq owns and operates a marine finfish hatchery and nursery, 266 Hatchery in Situbondo, East Java. With over five years of hands-on experience in Indonesia, he has developed skills in managing operational production, coordinating team activities, and engaging with buyers to ensure top-quality products.
As a second-generation farmer and trader specializing in the export of marine fish fingerlings, Ariq is well connected within the industry through the aquaculture association and the Marine Finfish Association (HIPILINDO), and is actively serving as one of its core members, contributing to its mission and initiatives.
Ariq wishes to leverage his extensive knowledge and practical experience, to contribute to the development of scalable and environmentally responsible aquaculture practices that support Indonesia’s blue economy.
Panelist | FISH TALK: Fish Farmers X Technology |