Cameron Maclean
Vice President of Supply Chain
Cameron is Vice President of Supply Chain for the Indonesian aquatech startup unicorn, eFishery. He has been involved in the seafood industry for 40 years. He started his career in wild caught fisheries, spending his first 7 years working at sea as a fisherman trawling for shrimp, orange roughy, scampi, and red snapper in Australia and South East Asia, before moving onshore to get involved in processing, managing the production operations for Australia’s, largest seafood processor, A Raptis and Sons.
Moving into aquaculture in the mid-2000s, Cameron worked with a range of species from pearl oysters, barramundi, shrimp and tilapia in Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Central America. He has held leadership roles companies such as at NAQUA and Regal Springs.
Speaker | Future Proofing Asia’s Finfish Aquaculture |
Presentation | Empowering Indonesia’s Small Scale Tilapia Farmers with Market Access and Group Certification |
Technology company eFishery focuses on revolutionising the aquaculture industry with smart feeding systems and digital platforms to enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. It empowers fish and shrimp farmers with data-driven insights and automation, enabling them to optimise their operations.
It is currently engaged in a project in Lake Toba to upscale small scale tilapia farmers to provide greater market access and improved farming capabilities. These farmers have been limited to local wet markets due to distance from major markets in Java, and distance from processing facilities in Medan. Relying on the local wet markets to sell most of their production has severely limited their ability to grow and made them susceptible to large price fluctuations. By bringing these small farmers together in cooperatives, eFishery is working with the local government to ensure they are properly licensed to operate. It is working with BAP to implement group certification for the farmers in the cooperatives, opening their production up to more stable and higher value, export markets.
Utilizing our aquatech we are providing technical support to the farmers to improve productivity and reduce production cost, together with provision of cycle financing and off-take guarantees, we are further de-risking the farming cycle for the farmers. Processing the off take through our processing partners we are able to sell this product through modern trade and HORECA channels in Indonesia and export internationally, providing a more stable market and income for the farmers.